Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Crazy Mormons

Since all of these unfortunate children, 416 at the last count, have been brought to my hometown for shelter I guess I should comment. But what can be said. This "church", the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (FLDS), appear to violate state and federal law at every turn.

A sub-cult of a cult is still a cult? I think that the answer is yes. I am sure that most of these women and children just wonder what the hell is happening to them. They have been jerked out of what is their normal life and dropped in the middle of modern America. Culture shock will most assuredly ensue.

I am doubtful that any organization like CPS can help, since they usually work ad hoc and right now they are in the spot light. My prediction is no good will come of this for these children. They will be saved from abuse by their "church" and treated to abuse at the hands of the wonderful foster system they are soon to encounter. I am not saying foster parents are abusive but benign neglect is about the best that can expected.

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