Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike yikes!

It looks like hurricane Ike will hit somewhere between Galveston and Corpus Christi as a major storm. Southern Harris County is evacuating, let's hope this goes better than it did in 2005 for Rita. All of my friends in south Texas get out please.

Cousin Mark what are you doing about this one?

1 comment:

Cousin Mark said...

Cousin Mark survived the hurricane, but let me tell you it was pretty intense on the SW side of Houston. I know it was much worse in Galveston and the east side, but it was enough for me.

For awhile there early Saturday morning, my house was shaking, and the roar was incredible. I haven't had power since 5:30 AM on Saturday, but otherwise we are all fine. I'm very lucky.

Right now I'm over at a friend's house charging my cell phone, and checking email etc. Thank God we have had a cool front.. it was really pleasant last night with the windows open. I heard on the radio that this is the most important cool front Houston has ever had, and it is!

Not sure when I will get back to work with my office building having no power as of this morning.

Take care you all, and I know all of my cousins were checking up on me (Mom kept me updated on all of the phone calls).