Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today, March 2, is Texas Independence Day. On this date in 1836 the Texians met at Washington on the Brazos and declared their independence from Mexico. Thus establishing the Republic of Texas.

This was a desperate time for the Texians. The Alamo was under siege, and would fall on March the 6th with all the defenders being killed. The Runaway Scrape was in full bloom. With the Anglo settlers of Texas fleeing east to escape the oncoming Mexican army under General Santa Anna. Yet these men were bold enough to declare independence, even though it didn't appear very likely that they would be able to enforce the declaration.

Then, on April 21 Sam Houston took the Mexican force by surprise and took Santa Anna prisoner. As a term of the General's parole he ceded sovereignty to the Texans. Thus was confirmed the Republic of Texas, which survived until annexation into the United States of America in 1845.

This is a day of pride for those of us who are fortunate enough to call ourselves Texans.

1 comment:

TJ said...

Very well said. I too am proud to be a Texan.