Sunday, October 19, 2008

Damn Jacoby's

First we have Jeff Jacoby writing columns for the Boston Globe and not adhering to the Massachusetts liberal line (read a few of his columns and you will see that he probably has no friends in Boston,) and now we have Mark Jacoby allegedly committing voter registration fraud because he lied about his place of residence. This is the worst case of registration fraud I've heard about it. Acorn only registers imaginary people, dead people and felons; this guy had the temerity to claim he was a resident of California when he hasn't lived there in a few years.

Anywho, good for the California legal authorities for stepping down hard on voter registration fraud. This should not be acceptable practice by anyone. I look forward to reading about them arresting Acorn voter registration workers.

Just for the record, Jeff and I have established that we are probably not related, and Mark Jacoby is my first cousin, but not the Mark Jacoby arrested in California. Oh, and Cousin Mark who posts here is not Mark Jacoby either. He is not nearly fired up enough to go out and commit voter fraud.


Cousin Mark said...

Ha-ha. I guess of all of you Jacoby's are Republican crackpots and nutjobs!!! Just kidding.

Some friends of mine went to vote here in Houston this morning (the first day of early voting in Texas). They said they had to wait 1 hour to vote, but that it was all "old, white people." Ha-ha. I would take this is a good sign for McCain in the great state of Texas!

Cousin Mark said...

Ha-ha. I guess of all of you Jacoby's are Republican crackpots and nutjobs!!! Just kidding.

Some friends of mine went to vote here in Houston this morning (the first day of early voting in Texas). They said they had to wait 1 hour to vote, but that it was all "old, white people." Ha-ha. I would take this is a good sign for McCain in the great state of Texas!